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May 14, 2015

Is Acupuncture Effective in Treating...

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine modality where needles are used to stimulate specific points in the body thought to affect pain and function.  Over the years, this discipline has been used for the treatment of various conditions including chronic pain, and is still practiced widely...

May 11, 2015

Spice It Up With Saffron...

We know that exercise is good for us.  We also know that sometimes exercise hurts and causes pain.  Many of us may even take anti-inflammatory medications before and after exercise to try to mitigate pain and swelling associated with exercise. However, a recent study published...

May 6, 2015

Poor Posture Found to Increase...

Low back work-related injuries can lead to a significant loss in wages and productivity.  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in 2011, there were 225,980 work-related cases involving injuries to the low back.  Most of these injuries are the result of chronic...

May 4, 2015

Internet-Based Rehabilitation Found to Be...

Knee replacement surgery has been shown to be effective at reducing pain and improving function, though controversy remains about the optimal rehabilitation regimen following surgery.  The potential benefits of a supervised physical therapy program are often offset by the added costs, inconvenience and time. In...

April 30, 2015

Beat Chronic Fatigue with Exercise

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex condition characterized by physical and mental exhaustion not relieved with rest.  The cause of this medical condition is unknown, although many hypotheses including viral infections to stress have been proposed. Symptoms can include extreme tiredness, loss of memory and...

April 27, 2015

Sugar & Exercise… Make Everything...

Ever feel the urge to reach for that box of candy or chocolates when you are stressed? There may be a physiological explanation for this almost ubiquitous behavior. In a recent article published in the New York Times, scientists found that sugar lowered cortisol levels...

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