Travel Habits to Keep Your Body Pain Free
December 23, 2013
Whether you crave frequent adventures or are the sort of person who ventures out of your comfort zone very rarely, traveling can be a pain in the neck. Getting to your destination is great – whether that means being on an exciting business trip, going on a romantic getaway, or taking a much-needed family vacation – but the process of getting there can be long and tedious. Longer trips, in particular, can be just uncomfortable, especially for your back and neck.
Sitting in a plane, car, or another mode of transportation for a long period of time can lead to a sore back, stiff neck, and the dreaded “numb butt.” Travelling can be especially hard on the neck, and sleeping in planes, trains and automobiles is a very easy way to wind up with neck strain. Luckily, there are a few things you can do while on the road to combat neck soreness and make sure you arrive at your destination refreshed and ready for action.
Use A Travel Pillow
These small, u-shaped pillows can be immensely useful during long car trips and plane rides. They provide neck support while you sleep sitting up, preventing your head from lolling too far to one side and causing neck strain. The best ones are made of memory foam, for extra support and comfort, and will fit snugly in the front as well, to keep your head from falling forward.
Stretch Your Neck As Much As You Can
While traveling often means being stuck in a small space for long periods of time, move around as much as you can. If you can't get out of your seat, do gentle neck stretches (forward, back, side-to-side) to keep your muscles limber.
Maintain Good Posture
While it can be hard, make sure you're maintaining the best posture that you can while traveling. Make sure that your neck and lower back as support, with pillows or cushions if necessary. Make an effort to sit upright and keep your head and neck in a comfortable position.
Beware the Tractor Beam of Electronic Devices
While having a smartphone or a tablet while traveling can be great for entertainment, spending long hours hunched over the small screen can be hard on your neck. Make sure that you hold your device or prop it up at an angle that allows your neck to be comfortable.
Traveling is not always the most comfortable experience, and sometimes there is very little we can do to avoid showing up where we need to go a little sore. However, there are definitely things you can do to minimize the strain on your neck. Even if you do experience some travel-related soreness, take a hot shower and do some neck stretches, like those offered in a home exercise program.