The Unique Relationship Between Pain & Sleep

The Unique Relationship Between Pain & Sleep

March 2, 2021

Pain and sleep are closely related. They each have the capacity to affect one another, for better or for worse. Getting an adequate amount of sleep on a daily or weekly basis can have a tremendous impact on facilitating recovery and keeping any chronic pain at bay. However, a habit of getting too little sleep can lead to numerous negative effects including:

·      Increased inflammation/cortisol levels

·      Poor muscle and joint recovery

·      Poor energy levels

·      Poor Mood

·      Increased stress levels

It is also fair to recognize that severe chronic pain prevents many people from consistently getting a good night of sleep. The longer chronic pain continues to persist, the tougher it can be to control. If you are finding yourself in this battle, there are a few things you can include to try to mitigate this pain and reverse this negative pain and sleep cycle.

·      Ice – limits inflammation and calms overreactive nerves.

·      Heat – warms up muscle fibers.

·      Stretch – prevents stiffness, increases blood flow, eases stress and tension.

·      Healthy Diet – healthy diet can decrease inflammation and lead to weight loss, making the pain less severe.

·      Prioritize your body – quit ignoring your pain and listen to what your body is telling you!

SimpleTherapy is a perfect tool to utilize prior to going to bed. Many of our stretches and exercises not only soothe joint stiffness and muscle aches but also have the ability to calm the nervous system. It is common that the chronic pain you experience could be made worse by a hyperactive nervous system. Gentle and slow-moving stretches are a great tool to help transition the body for bed. Try doing a session or two before bed and see if your sleep improves!

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