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November 20, 2015

Up Close and Personal With...

Tarsal tunnel syndrome refers to the compression of the nerves to the foot at the level of the ankle joint. Not unlike carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist, patients with tarsal tunnel can complain of pain, numbness, and tingling affecting the foot and toes. The...

November 11, 2015

Veterans Day Facts: SimpleTherapy Thanks...

In honor of Veterans Day, we wanted to post some amazing facts from! Don’t forget that SimpleTherapy is offering a free year of therapy programs to Vets anywhere in the US. Share this once in a lifetime opportunity with your friends and family and...

Shoulder Problems? Surgery May Not...

A paper issued this November by the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma found that surgery may not be the solution to common shoulder problems. Alyssa Navarro at Tech Times delves into the reasons why: "Surgical treatment may not be the best fix for common types of shoulder injuries,...

November 10, 2015

Overuse Injuries Treatment

Overuse injuries and repetitive strain injuries can cause a great amount of pain and loss of performance affecting millions each year.  Any joint and muscle group in the body can be affected, but the most common include the spine, shoulder, elbow, wrists and hands. While...

October 29, 2015

High Heels Hurt? We Have...

It is not a surprise that many women have foot pain. In a survey conducted by the American Podiatric Association, 73% of those surveyed admitted to having shoe-related foot pain. The causes of painful feet range from bunions, hammertoes, corns, to more complicated problems involving...

October 27, 2015

Can Exercise Actually “Turn Off”...

Opiate receptors are tiny pieces of brain tissue that have multiple functions including, binding to pain-relieving chemicals naturally produced in the brain, as well as binding to non-natural, pain-relief chemicals such as morphine and other potent medications. Scientists studying these chemicals have found that the more opiate...

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