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April 23, 2018

Limiting Pitches to Avoid Baseball...

Baseball season is upon us again and with it so are dreams of championships. Unfortunately, during this time, there is often a concurrent spike in kids presenting to doctor’s offices with complaints of shoulder and elbow pain from overuse baseball injuries. While every child and...

March 7, 2017

6 Good Reasons To Treat...

Have you walked out of your doctor’s office with a referral for physical therapy? Tempted to disregard the prescription because you don’t know how many visits it will you or how much it’ll cost? This article list 7 good reasons to treat pain and injury...

August 25, 2016

Wrist Pain and Risk Factors

A primer on wrist pain in Medical News Today covers several possible causes of wrist pain, as well as what can be done to treat the pain. Common conditions leading to wrist pain include: - Carpal tunnel syndrome - Osteoarthritis - Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury...

June 13, 2016

Jogging While Overweight May Accelerate...

What's causing the rise in osteoarthritis? A new study out of Australia suggests that it may be linked to the popularity of running or jogging, combined with the prevalence of runners being overweight. The analysis is based on research from the Medibank Better Health Index...

May 3, 2016

Don’t Overdo It: Take It...

Don't overdo it to avoid pain. Why do we feel pain in our muscles after a strenuous workout? According to the Hartford Courant, it could just be our body's way of protecting us. "It's actually your body pushing back, a condition that physicians and physical...

April 28, 2016

About That Neck Pain When...

"Ever wake up with a crick in your neck so severe that you could barely turn your head?" asks The Washington Post. This type of neck pain "is often overtreated with imaging tests, drugs, injections, and surgery, which don’t help much in the long term."...

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