Web-Based PT May Be a More Cost-Effective Method in Combatting Knee Pain

Web-Based PT May Be a More Cost-Effective Method in Combatting Knee Pain

June 23, 2015

Knee pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint, affecting millions of Americans each year. Pain, swelling, and inflammation can lead to significant disability and loss of productivity. Traditionally, the treatment for this common ailment included rest, anti-inflammatories, low impact quadriceps stretching and strengthening exercises, and strapping on the ever-so-cumbersome velcro brace.

Physical therapy can be effective but also costly. Can a self-guided and directed web-based exercise program prove equally beneficial? In a study from August 2014, researchers compared the effectiveness of a web-based therapy for patients affected with chronic knee pain. They found that a web-based exercise therapy program to be effective at relieving pain and improving coping skills in patients with longstanding pain of the knee joint.

SimpleTherapy offers a cost-effective, comfortable, and safe method to engage in a self-guided exercise therapy program that you can perform anywhere and anytime.


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